Data pack 3 / In-track data

CommentChanging the pointer below may cause the arrow
to glitch after the first track, depending on
the location of the new tile, for some reason.
1931ASelection Arrow tile pointer (when game paused)
Unknown data (!)
1AD25 -> 1AD27"YES" (from "GIVE UP?" menu)
1AD2C -> 1AD2D"NO" (from "GIVE UP?" menu)
1AD39 -> 1AD3D"RETRY" menu option after losing a race
1AD42 -> 1AD44"END" menu option after losing a race
1AD4A -> 1AD59"CHANGE COURSE" pause menu option
1AD5E -> 1AD62"RETRY" pause menu option
1AD67 -> 1AD76"CHANGE DRIVER" pause menu option
1AD7B -> 1AD7D"END" pause menu option
1AD83 -> 1AD88"REPLAY" menu option
CommentThe text tile pointers below are awkward to redefine
properly, and it may take a bit of time before
you manage to reach the tiles you want. Moreover,
these pointers are sensitive, and the new texts you define
may get glitchy, depending on the new tiles you choose.
1AE3B -> 1AE3D"WIN" top raw tile pointers
1AE42 -> 1AE44"WIN" bottom raw tile pointers
1AE4A -> 1AE4D"LOSE" top raw tile pointers
1AE52 -> 1AE55"LOSE" bottom raw tile pointers
1AE5B"!" top part tile pointer
1AE60"!" bottom part tile pointer
1AE65"-" tile pointer
1AE6A"W" tile pointer
1AE6F"L" tile pointer
Unknown data (!)
1AEB1 -> 1AEBA"0" -> "9" tile pointers
Unknown data (!)
*1AF58 -> 1B016*Data related to the "GAME OVER" and "RANKED OUT" texts
Unknown data (!)
(1 letter = 3 bytes: palette, bottom tile and top tile pointers)
1B11D -> 1B13F"RANKED OUT"
(1 letter = 3 bytes: palette, bottom tile and top tile pointers)
Unknown data (!)
1B320 -> 1B321Mushroom icon tcp
1B322 -> 1B323Feather icon tcp
1B324 -> 1B325Star icon tcp
1B326 -> 1B327Banana icon tcp
1B328 -> 1B329Green shell icon tcp
1B32A -> 1B32BRed shell icon tcp
1B32C -> 1B32DGhost icon tcp
1B32E -> 1B32FCoin icon tcp
1B330 -> 1B331Lightning icon tcp
1B332 -> 1B333Ghost icon when used tcp
Unknown data (!)
1B471 -> ?????Item probability-related data (16-bit pointers)
1B4E3 -> 1B665Item probabilities
Unknown data (!)
1B836 -> 1B847Item box P1 tcp
1B84A -> 1B85BItem box P2 tcp
Unknown data (!)
1C04CPointer to the battle track displayed by default when entering the battle track selection
Unknown data (!)
1C15C -> 1C15FBattle track order index (1 byte each)
1C15C = Battle Course 1
1C15D = Battle Course 2
1C15E = Battle Course 3
1C15F = Battle Course 4
1C160 -> 1C163Battle track cursor index (1 byte each)
Unknown data (!)