Address | Data |
Unknown data (!) | |
3F7F0 -> 3F7FF | Table that defines where the text for each of the jobs below starts (ie: first job text starts at 00, second one starts at 24, etc) |
3F800 -> 3F823 | "EXECUTIVE PRODUCER" (backward, ie the 1st letter is R, 2nd E, 3rd C, etc) |
3F824 ->3F833 | "PRODUCER" (backward) |
3F834 ->3F849 | "PROGRAMMERS" (backward) |
3F84A ->3F863 | "C.G. DESIGNERS" (backward) |
3F864 ->3F881 | "SOUND COMPOSERS" (backward) |
3F882 ->3F899 | "ILLUSTRATORS" (backward) |
3F89A ->3F8B3 | "MANUAL EDITOR" (backward) |
3F8B4 ->3F8C5 | "DIRECTORS" (backward) |
3F8C6 ->3F8D5 | Table that defines how much of the job letters are displayed, from right to left |
3F8D6 ->3F8E5 | Table that defines the horizonal position of each job text |
3F8E6 ->3F8F5 | Table that defines the vertical position of each job text (defaults: 80 = bottom, 10 = top) |
3F8F6 ->3F906 | Table that defines where the text for each of the names below starts (works the same way as the job table at 3F7F0, but numbers must be even due to the twice bigger letters) |
3F906 ->3F925 | "HIROSHI YAMAUCHI" |
3F926 ->3F945 | "SHIGERU MIYAMOTO" |
3F946 ->3F961 | "KENJI YAMAMOTO" |
3F962 ->3F97B | "HAJIME YAJIMA" |
3F97C ->3F995 | "MASATO KIMURA" |
3F996 ->3F9A9 | "NAOKI MORI" |
3F9CA ->3F9DD | "TARO BANDO" |
3F9DE ->3F9ED | "SOYO OKA" |
3FA28 ->3FA41 | "YOICHI KOTABE" |
3FA5E ->3FA5F | "O" (used for a little effect with the name below) |
3FA60 ->3FA79 | "HIDEQUI KONNO" |
3FA9A ->3FAA9 | Table related to all 8 credit text screens (?) |
Unknown data (!) | |
3FC8D -> 3FC8E | Top left part of the T of the "THANK YOU" |
Unknown data (!) | |
3FD9B -> 3FDAE | Donkey display data (final ola) (3FD9E/3FD9F = Donkey's jumping bottom half tcp) |
3FDB0 -> 3FDC3 | Yoshi's display data (final ola) (3FDB3/3FDB4 = Yoshi's jumping bottom half tcp) |
3FDC5 -> 3FDE5 | Princess' display data (final ola) (3FDC8/3FDC9 = Princess' jumping bottom half tcp) |
3FDE7 -> 3FDFD | Bowser's display data (final ola) (3FDEA/3FDEB = Bowser's jumping bottom half tcp) |
Unknown data (!) | |
3FF25 -> 3FF26 | Top left part of the T of the "THE END" (wrongly colored in the original game) |
Unknown data (!) | |
3FF6A -> 3FF79 | "THANKYOU" |
3FF7A -> 3FF89 | Defines where each of the "THANK YOU" letters fall |
3FF8A -> 3FF95 | Defines where each of the "THE END" letters appear |
3FF96 -> 3FFA1 | "THEEND" |